Grow tents are designed to keep things simple for hobbyist cannabis growers. As convenient as grow tents are, they’re not designed for huge marijuana grow operations! But for someone who wants 1-5 ounces/month, a grow tent may be the best way to go!
All in all... almost all grow tents are equal in fuctionality. There's no need to go get the most expensive tent thinking it will somehow grow better plants.
Cheap tents are perfectly fine just remember a couple of key considerations:
- Metal framed tents are much more durable (& forgiving) when it comes to weight load.
- Always get a tent with at least 2 top crossbars ...3 is even better, depending on the support needed. anything less will not support your light.
- Minimum size of 3ft wide X 3ft deep X 6ft tall, anything smaller will limit vegetative growth & cramp flowering... limiting the full potential.

Air Circulation
Air circulation (the way air moves around in your grow space) is an important ingredient to create a perfect growing environment for your cannabis. Indoor growers strive to create a better-than-nature environment for their plants. The way that air moves has a surprisingly big effect on how your plants will grow.
In nature, cannabis plants thrive in a gentle breeze.
Why is Air Circulation Important?
When growing cannabis indoors, plants are normally in a relatively sealed environment without access to regular wind, whether plants grow in a closet, a tent or an room dedicated to growing. This can cause some problems compared to growing outside. Outside in ideal conditions there’s a breeze flowing through plants, giving them fresh air and strengthening stems. A steady supply of fresh air along with a breeze (not too much, not too little) helps cannabis grow faster and even protects plants against certain pests and molds.
Benefits of good air circulation and an exhaust system include…
Protects plants against mold, bud rot and white powdery mildew
Less likely to get pests like fungus gnats and spider mites
Helps control heat & humidity to create a perfect growing environment
Strengthens stems by allowing them to bend & sway like in nature
Check out the links below for what you need:
Ventilation Kits
Measured in CFM ( cubic feet per minute), be sure to select the correct size. A slight negative draw is most desirable. Includes vent hose & carbon filter.
Internal Air Flow
A gentle breeze will help your plants grow stronger & healthier combating weak limbs, fungus & pest issues.
Exhaust fans
Essential for providing a constant supply of fresh air. Stagnant air will cause nothing but continuous issues & eventually suffocate your plants.
Odor Control
Including carbon air filters and Ona gel ( a preferred product by "stealth" indoor cannabis growers)