One of the easiest germination methods is rooting cubes and doesn’t leave a lot of room for error. Cannabis seeds and clones can be expensive, and sometimes we have genetics we just can’t afford to lose. When that’s the case, germinate your cannabis with one of the following recommended option to ensure as close to 100% germination rate as possible.
We always soak our seeds over night in room temperature tap water, then go directly into rooting cubes the next day.
You can also do the "paper towel" method. Fold them in a damp paper towel, being sure that the paper towel stays damp constantly(this can be achieved by placing in a sandwich baggie, be sure to leave baggie open so you don't suffocate your seeds). Be sure to transplant immediately upon first sign of seed splitting and the taproot is visible.
Keep your seed sprouting space at 70-72 degrees and 60-70% RH. Keep it dark until you seed a sprout beginning to grow from the cube, then begin your 18/6 light schedule.
Rapid Rooters or Root Riot peat cubes (Highly Recommended For All Setups)
Rapid Rooters are easy to work with – you just stick your cannabis seed in the Rapid Rooter (pointy side down), keep your seed warm and slightly moist, and let the Rapid Rooter do its magic.
Sprouts emerge and roots appear in just a 4-14 days.
Rapid Rooter starter cubes are suitable for all growing methods, including hydroponics, coco coir and soil. They work for every setup and come from General Hydroponics, a trusted company (the same one used by NASA) which is known for the quality and consistency of its products.
I highly recommend using Rapid Rooters over any other starter plugs. They are less prone to problems and work great with any growing medium (including hydroponic systems).
Pros of Rapid Rooters
- Easy to Use – You Can’t Really Mess Up
- No Prep or Setup – Open the Package and Go
- Some of the Best Germination Rates of Any Method
- Suitable for any grow medium
Cons of Rapid Rooters
- Can only get 50+ at a time. General Hydroponics currently does not offer fewer plugs per package, though you can find smaller count packs on ebay from private sellers. Just make sure you trust the seller.
- After opening the package, you only have a week or two before they dry out, so if you’re only germinating one or two seeds, you’ll end up having to throw many of the Rapid Rooters away or you'll have to put them in a freezer bag with a little cloning solution and store in a cool dark place.
These are the best choice for a hydroponic setup where the Rapid Rooter will be placed directly in the final destination. In our hydroponic setups, we’ve had almost 100% germination rates with Rapid Rooters & Root Riot, better than any other seedling cube we’ve tried.
Perfect for cloning or starting seeds with a 1020 tray & humidity dome ( 7-inch height recommended for dome). Also a nearly 100% success rate with cloning cuttings

Rockwool Cubes (Not Recommended)
It’s often hydroponic cannabis growers who use Rockwool cubes since these can be safely placed in hydroponic setups, hold a lot of moisture, and are resistant to mold. Rockwool is cheap and easy to find. It comes in convenient cubes. But it does have some major drawbacks…
Pros of Rockwool
Cheap & Easy to Find
Inert Medium (useful for hydroponic growers)
Cons of Rockwool
Bad for the environment (unnatural material that does not break down)
Bad for your health (especially your lungs) – wear gloves and cover your mouth/eyes when handling Rockwool
Has a pH that is too high for cannabis, so it must be thoroughly rinsed and treated
Poor cloning and germination rates
Difficult for new growers
Rockwool is not a natural material – it’s made by heating rock and chalk to 3,000°F and air is blown through the mixture to create thin fibers of rocky material.
It does not break down naturally and therefore after Rockwool is created, it will remain in that form basically forever, filling up landfills without breaking down for thousands of years.
Rockwool is dusty and needs to be rinsed thoroughly before use. Little pieces of Rockwool and dust can easily get in your eyes, skin and mouth. Small strands or fibers can get lodged in your lungs if you breathe in Rockwool dust, and it’s unknown if these fibers can ever get out again.
Protect yourself! Always use a mask, goggles and gloves when working with Rockwool.
New Rockwool cubes have a high pH – too high for healthy cannabis seed germination. Therefore it’s important to thoroughly rinse Rockwool cubes in pHed water, then let them soak in pHed water overnight before use. Since Rockwool holds onto a lot of water, after soaking they should be given a few days to dry out before planting seeds or making clones.
Rockwool cubes do not get great germination rates
Rockwool can be difficult to germinate marijuana seeds in, so I recommend most beginner growers sprout their seeds using another method like Rapid Rooters (mentioned above) which can also be used in hydroponic applications but are less prone to germination problems.
Many growers have placed seeds in Rockwool cubes, only to wait for weeks and never see seedlings appear.
Even when following all the best practices, we just have not gotten great germination rates with Rockwool cubes, and it’s common for new seedlings & clones not to make it.
We also had trouble rooting clones in Rockwool. Rockwool cubes just don’t hold enough air to get plenty of oxygen to the roots, and they tend to hold onto a lot of water and get waterlogged easily. Since Rockwool can hold a lot of water, it’s prone to “drowning” seeds
I highly recommend using Rapid Rooters instead for your hydroponic application (or any grow setup), as they are much more user-friendly and tend to get far better germination rates.